5 Signs of a Poor Manager: Change Begins With Self-Examination

I happened across an article not too long ago that offered five ways to tell if your employees dislike you. Maybe that seems a bit harsh, but the author was right on. If, upon honest consideration, you recognize any of these warning signs of poor management within your organization, it’s time to dig deeper and engage in some self-reflection.

Signs of a Poor Manager:

  1. High turnover

  2. Noticeable complaining

  3. Team members avoiding you

  4. You are clueless about employees’ feelings

  5. A crushing workload

Let’s be clear: We’re not talking about a social snubbing. These are symptoms of a corporate culture in crisis… circumstances that have led good people to feel negatively, and quite possibly resentful, toward you and their workplace. That’s why they leave. That’s why they complain and avoid. That’s why you are inundated with work. And sadly, that’s why you, your team, and your organization cannot even begin to explore all the potential that resides just beneath the surface.


Before you start beating yourself up for being a bad person, or a bad boss, remember that you are human. And guess what? Humans make mistakes. Thankfully, humans can also learn from mistakes, and once they do, great things are usually just around the corner.

What I’ve discovered in my years as both a business owner and executive coach is that people need to relax.

So often, individuals are simply afraid of self-examination – probably because of the black-and-white nature of judgments. When we regard things as ‘good’/‘bad,’ or ‘right’/‘wrong,’ someone inevitably loses. Life just isn’t that simple, or cut and dried.

Rather than focusing on such extremes, executives need to focus on building a healthy culture that relies on communication and transparency. These are important characteristics that empower people to forgo the judgment, and move forward with responsibility and acceptance.


It’s a process… and by “it,” I mean life. Personally and professionally, we make choices every day that decide how much, and in what ways we will grow. And candidly, the only way growth happens is by embracing the fact that life is a cycle of ups and downs, and by actively engaging the process of learning (self-examination).

Truth is a friend, not a foe. No doubt about it, sometimes the truth hurts, but you can’t fix what you don’t acknowledge! Transparency and safety create momentum.

We all need a safety net. Do you think anyone will take a giant leap without a guarantee of safety? Highly unlikely. When people feel safe, courageous communication emerges. This is true for all communications! Treat others, and yourself, with great respect and compassion, and the outcomes will exceed everyone’s expectations.

The best managers are the best teachers. Think about the people who have influenced you; chances are, they made a difference because they took the time to listen to your needs, and to make an investment in you and your success. Pay it forward! Listen and invest; show genuine interest in your team’s success!

Go back and look at those indicators of employee discontent and dislike. If they ring true for you, it’s time for a new direction. The first step is to suspend judgment. The next is to assess your strengths, weaknesses and motivations, and be honest with yourself about the work environment you’ve created. And then… it’s time for the challenging, but very rewarding task of transforming your self-examination into the catalyst for change.

Want to read the story? See http://bit.ly/employeedislike

If hearing the particulars of this story would help you or your partners, send me a note or give me a call: phil@mydlachmanagement.com and (414) 315-0523. You can also get on my calendar directly for a free discovery call here: https://pmydlach.youcanbook.me/.

My background

My career path started out at IBM before moving on to start, build and eventually sell two technology service companies. From there, I’ve been a global channel development partner and personal/corporate executive coach helping leaders and teams break through to the next level. 

Break Through

If you or your team needs help breaking through to the next level of performance, or if you have a friend who’d appreciate having access to me as their personal and/or corporate achievement coach, please reach out for a free discovery call or email me at  phil@mydlachmanagement.com.

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Phil Mydlach

Phil Mydlach is a high-performance executive coach who shows people and companies how to break through to their next level of ability, growth, and performance. He partners with them as they lean into their edge to confront the fears that are holding them back.

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